Adolescent and Parent Treatment (APT) is a manualised treatment specifically designed for adolescents 12-24 years of age with Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa (AAN). APT takes a comprehensive and holistic approach that addresses many of the limitations of other eating disorder treatments for adolescents.

APT takes the view that both physical and psychological recovery is required to be truly free from anorexia. Weight restoration alone is insufficient for recovery.
APT helps the adolescent develop an awareness of their personality traits and temperament that placed them at risk and usually maintain the eating disorder and teaches adolescents how to use these traits as strengths. Additional components of the treatment involve helping adolescents address any underlying issues that led them to develop anorexia, as well as helping the adolescent to manage any co-morbid diagnosis such as an anxiety disorder, OCD and/or depression.
APT combines re-nourishment with individual psychological therapy for the adolescent. The treatment includes psychological treatment modules and tailored resources including a book and journal for adolescents to support their treatment.
Physical Recovery
APT takes the view that adolescents are unable to achieve physical recovery on their own and therefore need their parents/carers to support and take charge of their re-nourishment to achieve full physical weight restoration. The treatment team for APT includes an adolescent eating disorders specialist dietitian to support parents and carers.
Psychological Recovery
APT provides individual sessions for the adolescent to address the psychological aspects of the illness via specific modules whilst parents undertake the tasks of re-nourishment. The modules cover the following and are outlined in the book “Unpack Your Eating Disorder: The Journey to recovery for Adolescents in Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa”:
Standing up to Anorexia
Understanding the impact of Anorexia on their body and managing AN voice and eating disorder cognitions
Learning a 3-part process of:
a) separating from Anorexia
b) letting go of Anorexia
c) replacing Anorexia
Learning a 3-part process of:
a) separating from Anorexia
b) letting go of Anorexia
c) replacing Anorexia
Building a Core Sense of Self
Adolescents learn the importance of:
1. Core sense of self
2. Personality traits
3. Inner critics
4. Inner resources
Specific therapy cards are used to aid treatment
1. Core sense of self
2. Personality traits
3. Inner critics
4. Inner resources
Specific therapy cards are used to aid treatment

Supporting Resources
The following resources are available to help on your journey to recovery:
- The Book – “Unpack Your Eating Disorder: The Journey to Recovery for Adolescents in Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa and Atypical Anorexia Nervosa ”. Click here
- The Journal – “Letting Go of ED – Embracing Me”. Click here
- Therapy Cards to help develop internal resources and stand up to Anorexia. Click here
- Videos to support and engage the young person. Click here